Sun Kits: The Art of Power

Chapter 1: Planning and Calculations

Ancient Wisdom: "The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting."

Parody Twist: "The supreme art of power is to illuminate the set without polluting."

Chapter 2: Waging War with the Sun

Ancient Wisdom: "In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity."

Parody Twist: "In the midst of darkness, there is also light—provided efficiently by solar panels."

Chapter 3: Strategic Attack

Ancient Wisdom: "The greatest victory is that which requires no battle."

Parody Twist: "The greatest energy is that which requires no fuel, only sunlight."

Chapter 4: Tactical Dispositions

Ancient Wisdom: "Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak."

Parody Twist: "Appear unplugged when you are fully charged, and charging when you are powering the whole set."

Chapter 5: Energy Provisions

Ancient Wisdom: "The enlightened ruler lays his plans well ahead; the good general cultivates his resources."

Parody Twist: "The enlightened producer lays his cables well ahead; the good gaffer cultivates his power sources."

Chapter 6: Weak Points and Strong

Ancient Wisdom: "Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories."

Parody Twist: "Know thy power usage, know thy battery capacity. A thousand shots, a thousand illuminations."

Chapter 7: The Rolling Batteries Engage

Ancient Wisdom: "Move swift as the Wind and closely-formed as the Wood. Attack like the Fire and be still as the Mountain."

Parody Twist: "Move swift as the Current and closely-formed as the Circuit. Power like the Sun and be still as the Night."

Chapter 8: Variations and Adaptability

Ancient Wisdom: "The general who wins a battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought."

Parody Twist: "The gaffer who lights a scene makes many calculations in his control room before the shooting is started."

Chapter 9: Maneuvering the Crew

Ancient Wisdom: "To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself."

Parody Twist: "To secure ourselves against power outages lies in our own plans, but the opportunity of seamless production is provided by the sun itself."

Chapter 10: Terrain and Location

Ancient Wisdom: "Use the natural configuration of the place; the force of the energies will mutually respond."

Parody Twist: "Use the natural power of the location; the force of the panels will mutually recharge."

Chapter 11: The Formation of Power

Ancient Wisdom: "Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt."

Parody Twist: "Let your energy be renewable and as constant as the sun, and when you power up, illuminate like the dawn."

Chapter 12: The Terrain of Innovation

Ancient Wisdom: "All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away."

Parody Twist: "All power management is based on innovation. Hence, when we are powering, we must seem sustainable; when using our energy, we must appear inexhaustible; when we are low, we must ensure the set believes we are fully charged."

Chapter 13: The Advantage of Solar

Ancient Wisdom: "There is no instance of a nation benefiting from prolonged warfare."

Parody Twist: "There is every instance of a production benefiting from prolonged sunlight."

Chapter 14: The Use of Spies (Information)

Ancient Wisdom: "The reason the enlightened prince and the wise general conquer the enemy whenever they move and their achievements surpass those of ordinary men is foreknowledge."

Parody Twist: "The reason the enlightened producer and the wise director conquer power challenges whenever they shoot and their achievements surpass those of ordinary productions is foreknowledge of power needs."

Chapter 15: Unity of Command

Ancient Wisdom: "He will win who has military capacity and is not interfered with by the sovereign."

Parody Twist: "They will win who has energy capacity and is not interfered with by power interruptions."

Chapter 16: Adaptability and Flexibility

Ancient Wisdom: "Water shapes its course according to the nature of the ground over which it flows; the soldier works out his victory in relation to the foe whom he is facing."

Parody Twist: "Power flows according to the needs of the set; the crew works out their efficiency in relation to the energy resources they have."

Chapter 17: The Element of Surprise

Ancient Wisdom: "Appear at points which the enemy must hasten to defend; march swiftly to places where you are not expected."

Parody Twist: "Power up points which the set did not know could be energized; deploy rapidly to locations where power was thought impossible."

Chapter 18: Sustainability in Warfare

Ancient Wisdom: "The skillful fighter puts himself into a position which makes defeat impossible, and does not miss the moment for defeating the enemy."

Parody Twist: "The skillful crew puts themselves into a position which makes power outage impossible, and does not miss the moment for utilizing the sun."

Chapter 19: The Siege of Efficiency

Ancient Wisdom: "In war, then, let your great object be victory, not lengthy campaigns."

Parody Twist: "In production, then, let your great object be efficiency, not lengthy setups."

Chapter 20: The Art of Conservation

Ancient Wisdom: "For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill."

Parody Twist: "For to power every scene with traditional energy is not the acme of innovation. To sustain the set without harming the earth is the acme of production."

Chapter 21: The Harmony of Teamwork

Ancient Wisdom: "The team that can fight as one will win."

Parody Twist: "The crew that powers as one illuminates the set."

Chapter 22: Mastery of the Elements

Ancient Wisdom: "Be fluid as water, firm as the earth, agile as the wind, and as unpredictable as fire."

Parody Twist: "Be as sustainable as the earth, as radiant as the sun, as enduring as the wind, and as vibrant as fire with your energy."

Chapter 23: The Power of Silence

Ancient Wisdom: "Silence is the ultimate weapon of power."

Parody Twist: "The silent operation of Sun Kits is the ultimate power on set."

Chapter 24: The Strategy of Adaptation

Ancient Wisdom: "Victory comes from finding opportunities in problems."

Parody Twist: "Efficiency comes from finding power in sunlight."

Chapter 25: The Siege of Innovation

Ancient Wisdom: "In the midst of difficulty lies opportunity."

Parody Twist: "In the challenge of remote locations lies the opportunity for Sun Kits."

Chapter 26: The Economy of Movement

Ancient Wisdom: "The peak efficiency of knowledge and strategy is to make conflict unnecessary."

Parody Twist: "The peak of energy management is to make traditional power unnecessary."

Chapter 27: The Art of Energy Balance

Ancient Wisdom: "Balance is the key to victory."

Parody Twist: "Energy balance is the key to sustainable production."

Chapter 28: The Principles of Power Allocation

Ancient Wisdom: "Allocate resources where they count most."

Parody Twist: "Allocate power where it lights up creativity."

Chapter 29: The Innovation of Tactics

Ancient Wisdom: "Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat."

Parody Twist: "Innovation without planning is the outage before the shoot."

Chapter 30: The Leadership of Light

Ancient Wisdom: "A leader leads by example, not by force."

Parody Twist: "A gaffer illuminates by innovation, not by consumption."

Chapter 31: The Conquest of Efficiency

Ancient Wisdom: "Conquer the enemy without doing battle, by understanding their strategy."

Parody Twist: "Achieve unparalleled efficiency without compromising, by understanding the power of sustainability."

Chapter 32: The Dynamics of Energy Flow

Ancient Wisdom: "The supreme art of war is to use the enemy's energy against them."

Parody Twist: "The supreme art of power is to harness the sun's energy for us."

Chapter 33: The Art of Renewable Warfare

Ancient Wisdom: "To win without fighting is best."

Parody Twist: "To power without polluting is best."

Chapter 34: The Philosophy of Power Conservation

Ancient Wisdom: "The wise warrior avoids the battle."

Parody Twist: "The wise producer avoids energy waste."

Chapter 35: The Strategy of Solar Supremacy

Ancient Wisdom: "The greatest victories are those won without conflict."

Parody Twist: "The greatest productions are those powered without emissions."

Chapter 36: The Rhythm of Renewable Resources

Ancient Wisdom: "There is a rhythm in everything, and mastering rhythm means mastering the situation."

Parody Twist: "There is a rhythm to sunlight, and mastering solar energy means mastering sustainable power."

Chapter 37: The Harmony of Hybrid Solutions

Ancient Wisdom: "Harmony in all things is the true path to victory."

Parody Twist: "Harmony in hybrid power solutions is the true path to sustainable filmmaking."

Chapter 38: The Elegance of Energy Autonomy

Ancient Wisdom: "True mastery is self-mastery."

Parody Twist: "True production mastery is energy autonomy."

Chapter 39: The Reflections on Renewable Tactics

Ancient Wisdom: "Reflect upon your strategies, and tactics will become clear."

Parody Twist: "Reflect upon your energy sources, and sustainable paths will become clear."

Chapter 40: The Vanguard of Green Innovation

Ancient Wisdom: "Be the first in the field, and the last to leave it."

Parody Twist: "Be the first to adopt green solutions, and the last to depend on outdated fuels."

Chapter 41: The Zen of Zero Emissions

Ancient Wisdom: "In the center of chaos, there lies opportunity."

Parody Twist: "In the heart of production, there lies the chance for zero emissions."

Chapter 42: The Cadence of Conservation

Ancient Wisdom: "The sound of a hundred drums can frighten away a single bird."

Parody Twist: "The whisper of a single solar panel can energize an entire set."

Chapter 43: The Strategy of Storage

Ancient Wisdom: "Store what is not needed to have it when it is."

Parody Twist: "Store energy when abundant to have power when it's scarce."

Chapter 44: The Light of Leadership

Ancient Wisdom: "A leader is a beacon in the darkness, guiding the way."

Parody Twist: "A sustainable set is a beacon in the industry, illuminating the path to green filmmaking."

Chapter 45: The Dynamics of Distributed Power

Ancient Wisdom: "Divide to conquer, unite to stand strong."

Parody Twist: "Distribute to empower, centralize to sustain."

Chapter 46: The Flow of Flexibility

Ancient Wisdom: "Be like water, adaptable in its flow."

Parody Twist: "Be like energy, adaptable in its source and use."

Chapter 47: The Paradox of Power

Ancient Wisdom: "True strength lies in yielding, as the willow bends in the storm."

Parody Twist: "True power lies in flexibility, as the Sun Kits adapt to every need."

Chapter 48: The Art of Energy Warfare

Ancient Wisdom: "Know when to fight and when not to fight: avoidance of battle is the mark of a wise general."

Parody Twist: "Know when to draw power and when to conserve: mastery of energy use is the mark of a wise production."

Chapter 49: The Sustainability Siege

Ancient Wisdom: "A siege demonstrates the ultimate commitment to victory."

Parody Twist: "A commitment to sustainability demonstrates the ultimate commitment to our future."

Chapter 50: The Ecosystem of Efficiency

Ancient Wisdom: "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts."

Parody Twist: "The ecosystem of a sustainable set is greater than the sum of its Sun Kits."

"Sun Kits: The Art of Power" not only provides a humorous take on ancient strategies but also delivers a meaningful message on the importance of sustainable energy practices in today's world—especially in industries not traditionally associated with environmentalism, like film production. Through clever analogies and witty reinterpretations, it emphasizes the clever, strategic approach needed to conquer the modern "battles" of energy consumption and carbon footprint reduction.

And for a bit of continued parody fun!

50 Ways to Leave the Grid

"The problem is quite severe," she said to me,
"The answer's solar, if you kindly see,
I’d like to help you make your energy clean,
There must be fifty ways to leave the grid."

She said, "Why not try to understand,
Renewable's future is at hand,
And I believe that you can easily free yourself,
There must be fifty ways to leave the grid,
Fifty ways to leave the grid."

Just plant a panel, Daniel,
Build a windmill, Bill,
You don’t have to be in the dark, Mark,
Just follow the sun.
Use the water flow, Joe,
You don’t need that coal, Noel,
Just listen to me, Lee,
Get your power free.

"Ooh, plant a panel, Daniel,
And build that windmill, Bill,
You don’t have to rely, Guy,
On that old utility.
Catch the water flow, Moe,
You don’t need that oil, Boil,
Just trust in the breeze, Louise,
And you can live sustainably."

She said, "It pleases me to see you consider this,
I promise you, it's the path to bliss,
And I will smile, knowing the earth you will not harm,
There must be fifty ways to live more warmly,
Fifty ways to leave the grid."

Just plant a panel, Stan,
And a turbine might, Dwight,
Geothermal’s keen, Jean,
Just dig underground.
Harness the tide, Clyde,
You won’t believe how far, Marv,
With just a small shift, Griffith,
You'll be grid-independent.

"Plant more panels, Chantel,
Let the sunshine, Klein,
It’s easier than you think, Link,
To start the change.
Feel the wind’s gift, Swift,
Let the rivers guide, Clyde,
Just step off the grid, Sid,
And make the energy exchange."

Sun Kits: 50 Ways to Power Your Movie Set

"The issue's quite plain," she said with glee,
"Sustainable power for your movie set spree,
Let me assist in your eco-friendly quest,
There must be fifty ways to power your set best."

She mentioned, "It’s my joy to introduce,
Solar solutions that are of great use,
And I assure you, in the light of the day,
There must be fifty ways to power your play,
Fifty ways to power your set today."

Just lay out a panel, Manuel,
Hook up a battery, Matty,
You don’t have to rely, Eli,
On the grid no more.
Collect the sun, Hun,
Wind turbines can run, Son,
Embrace renewable, Daniel,
And your costs will soar.

"Ooh, lay out that panel, Manuel,
And hook up that battery, Matty,
You don’t have to use diesel, Keisel,
Just trust in the rays.
Let turbines spin, Finn,
Solar’s not thin, Quinn,
Just make the switch, Mitch,
And brighten your days."

She said, "I'm eager to see you lead the way,
To a greener set without delay,
I smiled, knowing this was the key,
There must be fifty ways to power creatively,
Fifty ways to let your set be free."

Just use the daylight, Dwight,
And LEDs are right, Mike,
Harness the breeze, Louise,
You'll save with ease.
Go for biofuel, Duel,
Electric’s no fool, Jule,
With Sun Kits, you can win, Quinn,
And start the green scene.

"Place those panels, Lance,
In sun, take your chance, Vance,
It’s simpler than you dream, Ime,
To start the green revolution.
Wind is your friend, Brend,
Eco-paths never end, Wend,
Step into the light, Dwight,
For a clean solution."

Sun Kits Jingle: 50 Ways to Power Your Scene

The problem's quite clear, we need power here, she said to me,
The answer's quite easy with solar energy,
I’d like to help your set in its quest to be green,
There must be fifty ways to power your scene.

She said, I don't mean to come on strong or intrude,
Furthermore, I trust my advice won't be misconstrued,
But with Sun Kits on hand, we can all include,
There must be fifty ways to power your scene,
Fifty ways to power your scene.

Just roll out the pack, Jack,
Set up a new scene, Jean,
You don’t need to delay, Ray,
Just go green today.
Lay down the panels, Daniels,
No need for the gas, Cass,
Just harness the sun, Hon,
And start the fun.

Ooh, roll out the pack, Jack,
Set up a new scene, Jean,
You don’t need to delay, Ray,
Just follow my lead.
Lay down the panels, Daniels,
It's cleaner, you'll see, Lee,
Just harness the sun, Hon,
And power your dream.

She said, I'm thrilled to see you embracing the light,
I hope this makes your productions incredibly bright,
I said, your insight has made everything right,
There must be fifty ways to power your scene,
Fifty ways to power your scene.

Just roll out the pack, Jack,
Set up a new scene, Jean,
You don’t need to delay, Ray,
Just go green today.
Oh, lay down the panels, Daniels,
No need for the gas, Cass,
Just harness the sun, Hon,
And start the fun.

Roll out the pack, Jack,
Make a green plan, Stan,
You don’t need to rely, Ty,
On anything but the sky.
Lay down the panels, Daniels,
It’s easy to be, Lee,

Sun Kits by ABC Solar Incorporated


Coming soon Sun Kits Containers with BESS!